Brunsweiler River: portion designated part of the wild river system and named ``Martin Hanson Wild River"; maintenance provisions -
Act 7
Dam fishway requirements deleted [Sec. 706r, s] [vetoed] -
Dam inspection requirements revised; not applied to federally inspected dams [Sec. 707-712m] -
Act 28
Dam safety program changes; funds earmarked for specific projects [Sec. 647, 713-721d] -
Act 28
Dane County Yahara River Watershed Project: bonding re construction of anaerobic digesters [Sec. 19k, 9106 (1)(k), (11)] -
Act 28
Ferry operation after hours to transport arrested person: reimbursement of costs to law enforcement agency required
Act 72
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -
Act 55
Littering: maximum forfeiture increased, large item of solid waste provisions -
Act 368
Major interstate bridge project that crosses a boundary river: state's share of costs specified [Sec. 295o-q, 305s, 647m, 1919g] -
Act 28
``Steven Drees Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark USH 41 bridge over the Peshtigo River in the City of Peshtigo -
Act 127
Tipping fees re PCB contaminated sediment removed from bed of navigable river [Sec. 2657u-2658e]
Act 28
Totogatic River: portion designated part of the wild river system; DNR maintenance provisions -
Act 32
Wisconsin River monitoring and study of point and nonpoint source pollution from City of Merrill to the Castle Rock Flowage dam [Sec. 273s, 2574h] -
Act 28
Loans to manufacturing businesses for energy efficiency, retooling, clean energy production, and job creation; energy utility programs provision; water consumption tax credit created, sunset provided; Comm.Dept and PSC provisions
Act 332
TID number 6 in City of Sheboygan and TID number 18 in City of Waukesha: provisions modified and DOR duties
Act 176
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -
Act 28
``Class B" licenses for capital improvement areas; TID number 3 within City of Oconomowoc enumerated as a capital improvement area; sunset provided [Sec. 2318fm, ip]
Act 28
MA dental service delivery in certain southeast Wisconsin counties: DHS to use fee-for-service model [Sec. 1317n] [vetoed] -
Southeast Wisconsin Transit Capital Assistance Program grants; major transit capital assistance projects enumerated (Dane County and KRM commuter rail and any project re Milwaukee Downtown Transit Connector Study) [Sec. 5, 305m, 649, 1928m-t, 1932, 1937m, 2478] [1932 — partial veto]
Act 28
Life and public service to the courts system commended [AJR-7] - JR-5
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -
Act 55
Motor vehicle use on exposed beds of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and outlying waters in order to destroy or prevent the spread of Phragmites australis permitted
Act 377
Seed labeling, amount of noxious weed seed in agricultural and vegetable seeds, and designation of noxious weeds: laws revised; Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association certification of weed free mulch, hay, and straw [Sec. 184, 1978-2019, 9103 (3), 9403 (1)] -
Act 28
Weights and measures program changes re vehicle scales and liquid petroleum gas meters [Sec. 178, 2038-2068, 9103 (1), (2)] -
Act 28
Well notification issuing fees [Sec. 2577, 2578] -
Act 28
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; memorandum of agreement with Army Corps of Engineers provision; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -
Act 373
Wetlands general permit created re restoration activities sponsored by a federal agency, public notice and hearing provisions -
Act 391
``Stephen Ambrose Memorial Highway": portion of USH 12 in City of Whitewater designated as, contributions from interested parties provision -
Act 172
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Sec. 1918i] [vetoed] -
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only -
Act 341
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -
Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -
Act 100
Child care allocations, kinship care funding, allocation for public assistance program fraud and error reduction, and W-2 cash benefits allocation and state agency contract and administration services; funding for Milwaukee and statewide child welfare information systems reduced [Sec. 477, 478, 497, 996, 999, 1193-1200c, 1228-1232, 1238-1241, 1243-1250, 9408 (4)]
Act 28
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud
Act 76
Child care providers under W-2 child care subsidy program: personal liability of officers, directors, and employees of a corporation or LLC for penalties -
Act 77
Child support distribution change and pass-through; SSI and caretaker supplement [Sec. 1155c, 1156, 1369c, 1370, 1371, 9308 (8d), (9), 9322 (7), 9408 (13d), (14), 9422 (12)]
Act 28
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